We know spills happen and at Coley Home we have a wide range of materials offered and they all need specific care. In general, when cleaning your fabric, please remember:
Coley Home is not responsible for damages occurred while cleaning, but we have reached out to all of our vendors and also tested our fabrics ourselves to provide the best care information. Please remember dry cleaning is always the safest route. There are simply too many variables, and washing should be done at your own risk.
The sooner you address a spill, the better your results will be. As a general rule of thumb, you should never rub a fabric. Liquid spills can be gently absorbed using a clean, white cloth, and standing spills like yogurt can be gently scraped away with a spoon. Our pigment-dyed fabrics (Ringo & Reynolds), and our prints are prone to fading and discoloration, so be very careful when treating these.
Machine washing should always be done at your own risk. There are simply too many factors involved. That being said, if done properly, we have seen great results with many of our fabrics. We recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipped, and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). The color may fade slightly, so make sure you wash the full slipcover for consistency. Please wash alone, and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded.
For those upholstered pieces you can’t take to the dry cleaners, a professional extraction cleaning service is a great option! We recommend doing this once a year to keep your upholstery feeling fresh and clean!
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Ringo has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will bead up liquid and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains.
Ringo is a pigment dyed fabric that allows for the beautiful color and heathered look. The darker the color the higher the risk of fading when cleaning. That being said, be very careful when spot cleaning. Do not rub and do not use any chemicals.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipped and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). The color may fade slightly, so make sure you wash the full slipcover for consistency. Please wash alone, and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. Please note, the C0 performance finish will begin to fade after 10 washes. Hang dry until the slipcover is almost dry then fluff it in the dryer on low heat.
If all else fails, a professional extraction cleaning service is a great option!
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Reynolds has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will bead up liquid and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains.
Reynolds is a pigment dyed fabric that allows for the beautiful color and heathered look. The darker the color the higher the risk of fading when cleaning. That being said, be very careful when spot cleaning. Do not rub and do not use any chemicals.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipped and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). The color may fade slightly, so make sure you wash the full slipcover for consistency. Please wash alone, and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. Please note, the C0 performance finish will begin to fade after 10 washes. Hang dry until the slipcover is almost dry then fluff it in the dryer on low heat.
If all else fails, a professional extraction cleaning service is a great option!
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
For small spills and stains, you can spot clean. Treat the spot as quickly as possible. Soak up all the liquid with a clean cloth. Rewet the spot with water and repeat. If needed, dab a tiny amount of dish soap onto a wet cloth and continue to press. Do not rub! Never use bleach, spot pens, detergents with enzymes or harsh cleaners.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipped and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). The color may fade slightly, so make sure you wash the full slipcover for consistency. Please wash alone, and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. Please note, the C0 performance finish will begin to fade after 10 washes. Hang dry until the slipcover is almost dry then fluff it in the dryer on low heat.
When drying, tumble dry on low until it is partially dried. While the slipcover is still partially damp, place the slipcover back on piece and hang dry. For a more tailored look, iron the slipcover. This will also help it “grow.”
Pro tip: If you accidentally shrink your slipcover too much, wash it again and the linen will grow again. Ironing will also help the slipcover grow.
If all else fails, a professional extraction cleaning service is a great option!
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
For small spills and stains, you can spot clean. Treat the spot as quickly as possible. Soak up all the liquid with a clean cloth. Rewet the spot with water and repeat. If needed, dab a tiny amount of dish soap onto a wet cloth and continue to press. Do not rub! Never use bleach, spot pens, detergents with enzymes or harsh cleaners.
Attention: at your own risk!
One of our favorite things about piece-dyed linen is that it is easily machine washable as long as you follow the proper steps. We recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipped and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. We recommend using double the water when washing linen.
When drying, tumble dry on low until it is partially dried. While the slipcover is still partially damp, place the slipcover back on piece and hang dry. For a more tailored look, iron the slipcover. This will also help it “grow.”
Pro tip: If you accidentally shrink your slipcover too much, wash it again and the linen will grow again. Ironing will also help the slipcover grow.
If all else fails, a professional extraction cleaning service is a great option!
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
For small spills and stains, you can spot clean. Treat the spot as quickly as possible. Soak up all the liquid with a clean cloth. Rewet the spot with water and repeat. If needed, dab a tiny amount of dish soap onto a wet cloth and continue to press. Do not rub! Never use bleach, spot pens, detergents with enzymes or harsh cleaners.
Attention: at your own risk!
One of our favorite things about piece-dyed linen is that it is easily machine washable as long as you follow the proper steps. We recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipped and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. We recommend using double the water when washing linen.
When drying, tumble dry on low until it is partially dried. While the slipcover is still partially damp, place the slipcover back on piece and hang dry. For a more tailored look, iron the slipcover. This will also help it “grow.”
Pro tip: If you accidentally shrink your slipcover too much, wash it again and the linen will grow again. Ironing will also help the slipcover grow.
If all else fails, a professional extraction cleaning service is a great option!
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
For small spills and stains, you can spot clean. Treat the spot as quickly as possible. Soak up all the liquid with a clean cloth. Rewet the spot with water and repeat. If needed, dab a tiny amount of dish soap onto a wet cloth and continue to press. Do not rub! Never use bleach, spot pens, detergents with enzymes or harsh cleaners.
Attention: at your own risk!
One of our favorite things about piece-dyed linen is that it is easily machine washable as long as you follow the proper steps. We recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipped and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. We recommend using double the water when washing linen.
When drying, tumble dry on low until it is partially dried. While the slipcover is still partially damp, place the slipcover back on piece and hang dry. For a more tailored look, iron the slipcover. This will also help it “grow.”
Pro tip: If you accidentally shrink your slipcover too much, wash it again and the linen will grow again. Ironing will also help the slipcover grow.
If all else fails, a professional extraction cleaning service is a great option!
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
We recommend spot cleaning. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipper and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. Please note, this fabric's performance finish will begin to fade after 10 washes. Hang dry and until almost dry and fluff on low heat in the dryer. Iron if needed.
If your piece is upholstered and spot cleaning does not work, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Abbott has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will bead up liquid and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains. If needed, you can spot clean. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipper and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. Please note, this fabric's performance finish will begin to fade after 10 washes. Hang dry and until almost dry and fluff on low heat in the dryer. Iron if needed.
If your piece is upholstered and spot cleaning does not work, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Casual has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will bead up liquid and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains. If needed, you can spot clean. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipper and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. Please note, this fabric's performance finish will begin to fade after 10 washes. Hang dry and until almost dry and fluff on low heat in the dryer. Iron if needed.
If your piece is upholstered and spot cleaning does not work, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Puddle Proof has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will bead up liquid and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains. If needed, you can spot clean. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipper and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. Please note, this fabric's performance finish will begin to fade after 10 washes. Hang dry and until almost dry and fluff on low heat in the dryer. Iron if needed.
If your piece is upholstered and spot cleaning does not work, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Amherst has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will bead up liquid and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains. If needed, you can spot clean. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipper and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. Please note, this fabric's performance finish will begin to fade after 10 washes. Hang dry and until almost dry and fluff on low heat in the dryer. Iron if needed.
If your piece is upholstered and spot cleaning does not work, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Nomad has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will bead up liquid and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains. If needed, you can spot clean. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
If needed, we recommend spot cleaning. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
If all else fails, a professional extraction cleaning service is a great option!
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Beckett has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will bead up liquid and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains. If needed, you can spot clean. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
We recommend spot cleaning. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
If all else fails, a professional extraction cleaning service is a great option!
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Luxe Velvet has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will bead up liquid and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains. If needed, you can spot clean. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
We recommend spot cleaning. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
If your piece is upholstered we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
We recommend spot cleaning. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipped and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded.Hang dry and avoid using any heat.
If your piece is upholstered and spot cleaning does not work, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
We recommend spot cleaning. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
Attention: at your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild, enzyme-free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipped and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded.Hang dry and avoid using any heat.
If your piece is upholstered and spot cleaning does not work, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also contact a professional extraction cleaning service such as stanley steamer to professionally clean your pieces in your home.
For in-home care of your mohair vacuum gently in the direction of the hair using a soft brush attachment. Blot spills immediately with a clean, absorbent cloth. Then spot clean as needed using a warm damp cloth with mild detergent or dish soap. Avoid harsh cleaning products. Let the fabric dry completely before using.
Pro Tip: If the Mohair starts to look crushed give it a good steam and it should come back.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
One of the best things about indoor outdoor fabrics is how easily they clean and wash. The easiest and best way to clean is to remove the slipcover and machine wash. We recommend using a gentle cycle with mild enzyme free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipper and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please hang dry or tumble on low.
If you would prefer to spot clean first dust off the dirt, spray on a mild cleaning solution, and use a soft brush to clean. Rinse thoroughly until all soap is gone. Do not bleach, Iron using medium to low heat.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Rattan has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will beading up spills and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note C0 does not protect against oil based stains.We recommend spot cleaning. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.
If your piece is upholstered, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
Boucle has a C0 performance finish (non-toxic, biodegradable, and plant based) that will beading up spills and allow you time to clean the spill before it saturates into the fabric. Please note, C0 does not protect against oil based stains. If needed, you can spot clean Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.Attention: At your own risk!
If you decide you would like to machine wash Boucle, we recommend using a gentle cycle with mild enzyme free detergents. Make sure the slipcovers are properly zipper and your washer does not have an agitator (a rotating column in the center of the wash basket). Please wash alone and make sure that the slipcover has plenty of room and is not overcrowded. Please note, this fabric's performance finish will begin to fade after 10 washes. Hang dry and until almost dry and fluff on low heat in the dryer.
If your piece is upholstered, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Please spot clean with almost any household cleaner-Even Pure bleach will not damage these fabrics. Most stains can be blotted and cleaned with bleach and water. Please remember to thoroughly rinse the fabric with clean water and allow the fabric to air dry. Do not machine wash.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest.
We recommend spot cleaning. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.If your piece is upholstered, we recommend contacting a professional extraction cleaning service. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results. You can also try the portable bissell little green suction attachment without a brush. We recommend trying spot cleaning first. Allow the piece to air dry after.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also call your local professional extraction cleaning company. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also call your local professional extraction cleaning company. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also call your local professional extraction cleaning company. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also call your local professional extraction cleaning company. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also call your local professional extraction cleaning company. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also call your local professional extraction cleaning company. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also call your local professional extraction cleaning company. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also call your local professional extraction cleaning company. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results.
Dry Cleaning always delivers the best and most consistent results. It is also the easiest. You can also call your local professional extraction cleaning company. The same companies that clean rugs and carpets also clean upholstery. These companies have professional-grade hot water extraction machines that provide great results.
We recommend spot cleaning. Blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 tsp mild, enzyme detergent, such as Tide®, Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle. Do NOT oversaturate when applying the cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Allow fabric to air dry.Simply wipe it down with a clean cloth and water! The best material for dining and counter stools.
For regular care and cleaning, dust periodically with a dry cloth to remove residual dust and dirt from building up. No harsh cleaners or solvents should ever be used on the leather, as they could abrade the finish or topcoat of the article. For stubborn stains and spills, a lightly damp cloth with warm water should be blotted on the stain to lift and remove it. If this does not work, a mild soap and water solution (3 parts water to 1 part Ivory soap) should be mixed and then blotted to release the stain and then blot again with dry cloth. This should never be done heavily or in a scrubbing motion. Some finishes may not be suitable for this method so it should be spot tested and allowed to dry before overall use. Specially formulated products such as Moore & Giles, Inc. leather cleaners and conditioner can be used to rejuvenate fine leather surfaces, however, some leathers are inherently sensitive so these products should be spot tested before overall use.
Leather cream can remove scratches and restore the color and shine of leather. Apply the cream with a cloth and rub it into the scratch.
For Hair on Hide, vacuum gently in the direction of the hair, using a hose and soft brush attachment. Blot spills immediately with a clean, dry cloth. Then, spot clean as needed using a warm, damp cloth and mild soap. Avoid harsh cleaning products as these could fade or damage the cowhide.
We can not stress the importance of fluffing your cushions. People tend to sit on the same place on a piece of furniture, so it is very important to fluff and rotate regularly. In order to do this, please unzip the casing and adjust the cushion and down wrap. Zip it back up and give it a good beating, and then place it on the other side. We recommend doing this monthly, especially with bench seats.